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Whether you are looking to increase the overall size of your breasts, refine your breast shape, improve symmetry or highlight the upper pole and cleavage area, fat grafting, with or without an implant, could be the solution for you.

Trusted Breast Fat Grafting Solution in Dallas, TX

The first recorded breast augmentation was in 1895, when Vincenz Czerny transplanted a woman’s lipoma – fatty tissue, to her breast to fill a defect. It wasn’t until the 1960s that the first gel prosthesis was invented and the world’s first silicone implant breast augmentation was performed (in Texas!). In the ensuing years with buxom bombshells like Marilyn Monroe, Sofia Loren and Jane Mansfield setting aesthetic trends, women’s desire for enhancing their breasts only intensified. Breast implants have come a long way. Yet, even the newest generation of optimally filled cohesive gel implants still have their limitations. Now, over 100 years after Czerny’s landmark procedure, medical science and plastic surgeons have circled back to fat as a pivotal tool to shape the breast.

Breast fat grafting involves taking fat and stem cells from one part of your body and moving them to your breasts to increase volume and help contour a more shapely figure. The amount of fat transferred depends on your goals, your anatomy and the available donor sites to harvest the fat.

Breast augmentation with fat grafting alone produces stunningly natural results and uses your own tissue. There is no guarantee how much of the transferred fat will survive, but our best estimate based on experience, proven research and other patient results is 70%. Not uncommonly, women need more than one breast fat grafting procedure to reach their ideal goal. This is a smart choice for patients who would rather not have a silicone implant, but are still unhappy with their breasts. Plus there is the accompanying benefit of liposuction contouring stubborn areas of fat when harvesting the graft.

In settings where more volume is desired than fat is available, a silicone implant can be placed at the time of breast fat grafting. The implant supports upper pole fullness and rounds out the lower pole. An implant can not change your breast anatomy or increase your cleavage because it is restrained by the anatomic borders of your chest. This is where the liquid gold fat graft comes in! It is used to finesse contour the breast. Fat grafting allows us to take fine strokes and make more accurate, point-by-point changes than a breast implant alone.

Your breasts are sisters not twins. Most women have differences in the shape and size of their breasts. Breast fat grafting can help fine tine the contour of each breast to improve symmetry. Knowing how much volume and precisely where to place it, creating the most natural result, is more than a technical skill; it’s an art!

Dr. Deniz Basci completed specialized aesthetic fellowship training and has expertise in cosmetic breast aesthetics. During your consultation she will assess your goals, your anatomy and your tissues to design an individualized treatment plan. She will also have an in depth discussion with you about the risks, benefits and alternatives to the proposed treatment plan and familiarize you with how breast surgery may impact your mammograms going forward.

Many patients seeking breastment undergo complementary procedures such as breast augmentation, breast lift, or high definition liposuction. Click here to learn more about these procedures

Breast Fat Grafting CAN:

  • Increase breast volume
  • Refine breast shape
  • Improve breast symmetry
  • Enhance cleavage
  • Fine tune breast shape

Breast Fat Grafting does NOT:

  • Lift the Breast
  • Change Nipple position
  • Cause breast cancer
  • Give a rounded upper pole like a gel implant can

Fast Facts:

  • Before Surgery: 1 hour consultation with Dr. Deniz Basci with 3D medical studio photography to customize your treatment plan and answer all your questions followed by a pre-operative visit the week before you scheduled procedure
  • Surgery: 0.5-2 hours depending on your individually tailored operation
  • Anesthesia: General Anesthesia performed by a licensed physician
  • After Surgery: Go home the same day to begin recovery
  • Recovery:
    • 1 week of mild pain and discomfort where the fat was harvested, Most patients are able to return to work and light aerobic exercise the next day; expect temporary bruising, moderate swelling, and areas of numbness and tingling where the fat was harvested, and moderate to intense swelling where the fat is placed
    • Expect gradual improvement in swelling and areas of numbness and tingling. 2-3 months before the “final result” if fat grafting is performed alone
    • 12 months before incisions are fully mature

Facial Fat Grafting Techniques:

Each person’s volume restoration goals, anatomy and tissues are unique when it comes to breast fat grafting. Dr Deniz Basci has advanced training and expertise in facial rejuvenation and will design a customized treatment plan based on your specific needs. The amount of fat being transferred will largely determine the length and nature of your procedure.

Breast fat grafting begins by identifying target areas of the face to fill and donor sites from which the fat will be harvested. Usual go-to donor sites include the inner thigh, love handle or lower abdomen, but you can talk to Dr. Basci about your preference. One or two 1cm incisions are made over the donor site and liposuction is performed to extract the liquid gold fat and stem cells. The harvested fat cells are then prepared and meticulously injected into breast to shape and contour the desired outcome.

Preparing for Breast Fat Grafting Surgery

Prior to any surgery Dr Basci will review your general health history, surgical history and current medications. You will need to stop taking any medications or supplements that increase the risk of bleeding 2 weeks before surgery and remain off of them for 2 weeks following surgery. Make sure to check with your primary prescribing physician before stopping any medications.

It is important to prime your body with a healthy balanced diet in the months leading up to surgery. Make sure you have the appropriate protein intake. Protein is vital for healing.

Young beautiful woman with breast in bra

Recovery from Breast Fat Grafting Surgery

Just as every individual procedure is distinct, so is everyone’s recovery experience. Most patients will go home the same day as their procedure, unless they underwent simultaneous procedures such as a breast lift or breast augmentation with an implant. You should expect moderate bruising and swelling of your donor site and moderate to intense swelling and bruising of your face. The swelling typically peaks on post-operative day 3 and then gradually begins to resolve.

You may shower the same day as your surgery. Avoid sleeping on your stomach and applying direct pressure to your breasts during the first few weeks after surgery. This is to avoid inadvertently causing pain or disrupting your surgical site before it has healed and your fat graft has had a chance to take root.

Any non-dissolving sutures will be removed in the office at your first a post-operative visit. You will need to apply a thin layer of ointment to your incisions once a day until they are fully healed and protect the incisions from sun exposure. Talk to Dr. Basci about when it is safe to begin silicone scar treatment.

You can resume your regular balanced diet and regular activities of daily life immediately following your procedure. Dr. Basci recommends you sleep on your back or semi-upright in a recliner for the first week after surgery to minimize swelling. You should expect to be moderately swollen during the first two weeks. This will gradually improve along with any bruising, numbness and tingling. It typically takes 2-3 months for the swelling to substantially resolve and at least 12 months for the incision scars to fully mature.

You may begin light exercise the week after your procedure. Dr. Basci recommends you avoid intense exercise, heavy lifting, yoga and pilates for 1-2 weeks after your breast fat grafting. Most patients resume full activities 4 weeks after surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions

- How long will my fat grafting result last and how much of the fat survives?
Breast fat grafting is typically permanent. Only 50-75% of the injected fat will stick around, but the fat that survives is there for life. It will even fluctuate with your weight changes. Not uncommonly, patients require more than one fat grafting session depending on their goals and individual anatomy.  Dr. Basci recommends you wait at least 3 months before having another injection session. 
- Why would I need a breast implant AND fat grafting?
There are limitations to both breast implants and fat grafting. Sometimes combining the two techniques is the best method of achieving your aesthetic goals. Dr. Basci will evaluate your anatomy and design a customized treatment plan. Ultimately, the decision is yours!
- Can I have breast fat grafting instead of a lift?
No. Transferring fat and stem cells from distant areas of the body to the breast will not lift the breast or significantly change nipple position. There is no substitute for a breast lift. Fat grafting can be performed in conjunction with a breast lift to restore volume to the upper pole and fine tune breast shape. You can learn more about breast lift here.

*Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person. Editorial content, before and after images, and patient testimonials do not constitute a guarantee of specific results.