
Neck Lift Surgery in Dallas, TX
The delicate skin of the neck is one of the first places visible signs of aging appear. In the age of selfies, FaceTime and a generation constantly on display on social media, a distinctly defined, sleek, smooth neck with a strong jawline is emerging as one of the most sought after attributes for both men and women.
For decades, the neck has been recognized as one of first tell tale signs of aging. The loathsome double chin plagues many even from a young age. The turkey gobbler neck is one of the most frequent concerns that brings men to plastic surgery consultations. Weight fluctuations, repetitive muscle pull and thinning of our skin over time all contribute to visible changes. Yet the neck is not getting the media attention or acknowledgement from the general public it deserves. Did you know that overall satisfaction following a facelift is largely based on the result in the neck?
the scoop
Occasionally, individuals are candidates for isolated neck procedures to help define their jawline, contour excess fatty fullness under their chin, remove sagging skin and restore a youthful shapely neck. It is important to avoid an overly excavated or skeletal neck, which can give the appearance of cachexia and poor general health. Striking the appropriate balance is a combination of art and intimate knowledge of anatomy.
Dr. Basci uses surgical techniques that will ensure the longevity of your result by supporting and re-suspending the muscles in the neck under the skin. Schedule your consultation and ask Dr. Basci if you are a good candidate for a neck lift, and kiss that double chin good bye!
A Neck lift CAN:
- Improve the appearance of jowls
- Define the jawline
- Remove excess skin
- Re-suspend loose muscle bands
- Contour the fullness under your chin
A Neck lift does NOT address:
- Fine lines and wrinkles of the skin
- Sun damage of the skin
- Previous scars from thyroid or neck surgery
- Fullness from salivary glands unless discussed
- The appearance of facial features
Fast Facts:
- Before Surgery: 1 hour consultation with Dr. Deniz Basci with 3D medical studio photography to customize your treatment plan and answer all your questions. You will also have a pre-operative visit the week before you scheduled procedure.
- Surgery: 2-3 hours depending on your individually tailored operation.
- Anesthesia: General anesthesia performed by a licensed physician.
- After Surgery: Go home to begin recovery.
- Recovery:
- 1-2 weeks before you are “restaurant ready.” You are able to return to work and light aerobic exercise. You can expect temporary bruising, moderate to significant swelling, and areas of numbness and tingling.
- 3 months before you are “camera ready.” You are able to resume heavy lifting and intense activities. You can expect gradual improvement in swelling and areas of numbness and tingling.
- 12 months before the “final result.” Incisions are now fully mature and swelling is completely resolved. This is an appropriate time for any minor revisions or touch-up procedures.

Neck lift Technique:
Every individual has different aesthetic desires and problem areas in the neck they seek to fine-tune. Dr. Deniz Basci has advanced training and expertise in facelift surgery and will design a customized treatment plan based on your needs. She often uses a platysmaplasty technique that tightens the muscle underlying the skin of the neck for maximum support and control of final contour. In some patients the neck lift is best when combined with liposuction or partial salivary gland removal. All techniques are capable of delivering dramatic, long-lasting and natural results.
Typically incisions are made behind the ear extending down along the hairline and under the chin. The skin is then elevated allowing access to the underlying neck tissues. These are assessed and elegantly re-suspended to highlight and define the jawline. Excess fatty volume is removed below the jawline and under the chin to emphasize the elongated smooth contour. With the deep neck tissues in their new youthful position, the skin is delicately re-draped and the excess removed.
Dr. Basci uses meticulous tension free suturing techniques for the best healing possible. A drain is placed on one side of the neck followed by a soft cotton wrap to provide gentle pressure and minimize swelling. The surgical dressing is typically removed the morning after surgery and the drain in 5-7 days.
Preparing for Surgery
Prior to any surgery Dr. Basci will review your general health history, surgical history and current medications. You will need to stop taking any medications or supplements that increase the risk of bleeding 2 weeks before surgery and remain off of them for 2 weeks following surgery. Make sure to check with your primary prescribing physician before stopping any medications.
It is important to prime your body with a healthy balanced diet in the months leading up to surgery. Make sure you have the appropriate protein intake. Protein is vital for healing. You may need to supplement your diet with protein shakes or bars for 3-6 weeks after surgery as your body works overtime to heal the surgical site.
Presenting a polished canvas for your new neck with radiant glowing skin will exponentially improve your neck lift result. It is important to prevent sun damage with routine use of SPF in the months leading up to and following your procedure. Dr. Basci recommends a high quality skin care regimen for 2-3 months prior to surgery depending on the condition of your skin. In cases of extensive sun damage, laser resurfacing may be indicated to help smooth any texture irregularities. Maintenance photo-facials to erase pigmented lesions, prominent blood vessels and rosacea will help enhance and preserve your neck lift result.
In some cases fat grafting to the angle of the jaw or a chin implant may be indicated to enhance your features and help elongate the appearance of your jawline and neck. Often a weak chin contributes to the prominent appearance of the nose as well as the short and obtuse appearance of the neck.
Recovery from Neck lift Surgery
Just as every individual procedure is distinct, so is every personal recovery. Most patients will go home the same day as their procedure. You will need a family member, friend or nurse to stay with you for at least 2 days after that, although 1 week is recommended for your comfort.
You will have one drain in the neck that will need to be emptied and monitored twice daily. Drains are removed whenever the fluid output has decreased to less than 20mL in 24 hours, usually in 5-7 days. You may shower after your drains are removed. Your scalp may be numb in certain areas and it is possible to inadvertently burn your scalp. We recommend avoiding curling irons, intensely hot blow dryers, and chemically coloring your hair for 1-2 weeks after surgery.
You will wear a soft compressive neck wrap 24 hours a day for the first 2 weeks to help the skin adhere to the newly contoured underlying tissue. During this time you should also minimize head turning and extreme neck flexion or extension. After 2 weeks, you may wear the neck wrap only at night or when you are at home. Typically patients feel tightness in their neck, this will gradually improve along with swelling and healing.
Any non-dissolving sutures will be removed in the office at your 1st post-operative visit. You will need to apply a thin layer of ointment to your incisions once a day until they are fully healed. Talk to Dr. Basci about when it is safe to begin lymphatic neck massages and silicone scar treatment.
You should supplement your regular balanced diet with protein shakes or bars for 3-6 weeks after surgery to help improve healing. This is not the time for diets or nutritional restriction. Your body needs vital amino acids and building blocks for healing.
Dr. Basci recommends you sleep with your head propped up on several pillows or semi-upright in a recliner for the first 1-2 weeks after surgery to minimize facial swelling. You should expect to be moderately swollen during the first 2 weeks. This will gradually improve along with any bruising, numbness and tingling. It typically takes 6-12 months for the swelling to fully resolve and at least 12 months for the incision scars to fully mature.
You will need to begin gently walking several times a day the evening of your surgery. This is to promote circulation and prevent blood clots. If you have a personal or family history of blood clots or other bleeding disorders be sure to speak with Dr. Basci.
After 2 weeks, you may begin light cardio activity but be sure to avoid heavy lifting, yoga, pilates and any other intense exercise for 4 weeks. Typically Dr. Basci allows neck lift patients to resume full activities 6 weeks after surgery.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Am I a candidate for an isolated neck lift?
Having a neck lift is a personal decision. Patients who elect to have a neck lift are typically those who no longer benefit from non-surgical solutions. In most cases a neck lift is paired with a facelift and other procedures to produce a harmonious result with all features rejuvenated in tandem. However, there is a group of individuals with excellent supple skin quality who may benefit from a neck lift alone.
If your main concerns are visible banding in the neck, sagging skin, or fullness under the chin, you may be eligible for an isolated neck lift. Dr. Basci will analyze your facial and neck anatomy as well as your skin and tissue quality to determine which procedure will best suit your needs for a natural, long-lasting result.
- What about neck liposuction?
Liposuction is a powerful adjunctive procedure used in conjunction with many different surgeries to help contour soft tissues. In the neck specifically, there is usually very little fat between the skin and the underlying musculature. It’s important to preserve a healthy layer of fat for padding and to prevent contour irregularities. In some instances when people have excess fatty tissue under their chin, liposuction may be a helpful addition to a neck lift to help de-bulk and sculpt.
While there is no substitute for a neck lift, sometime patients are good candidates for in-office neck liposuction to help define their jawline. Dr. Basci will assess you goals, anatomy and tissue quality to determine whether neck liposuction with or without a neck lift is the right procedure for you.
- How long will my neck lift result last?
The longevity of your neck lift result depends on your individual anatomy, the quality of your tissues and the surgical technique. The skin and underlying tissue in the neck is quite delicate and gauzy compared to the tissues of the face. After your procedure you will continue to age at a similar rate as you did before. Usually the neck is the first place where visible signs of aging return. The timing varies from person to person but may be apparent 5-10 years after your surgery. The already thin skin continues to lose elasticity with age, repetitive motions and repetitive muscle pull. The tissues eventually lose their ability to recoil and sagging sets in.
- What about my face? My eyes? My brow? Or laser resurfacing? Is it better to address every area at once or separate my procedures?
- I have an important event like my son’s wedding coming up, how far in advance should I have my facelift?
- What is the recovery like?
Every individual recovery is unique. Typically patients go home the same day as surgery and are home bound for the first 1-2 weeks when swelling and bruising is at its maximum. During the first 2-4 days after surgery you may need pain medication or a sleeping aid. After that most patients are fairly comfortable and pain free as they wait for swelling to resolve.
You may shower after your drains are removed. You may apply light make up after your sutures are removed at your 1 week post-operative visit. You will need to take short gentle walks several times a day during the first two weeks. After that you may resume light aerobic activity. You may not engage in heavy lifting, yoga, pilates, or other intense activity until 4 weeks after surgery. Most patients are back to full activity by 6 weeks post-operatively.
- What should I bring to my consultation?
*Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person. Editorial content, before and after images, and patient testimonials do not constitute a guarantee of specific results.